What can the UK do to improve global governance in migration and health: moving the agenda forward

With one billion people on the move or having moved in 2018, migration is a global reality. Earlier in the year University College London and The Lancet published a Commission on Migration and Health with a view to provide evidence for cooperation and action on what is one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century. The Commission’s foundation is that migration and health are inextricably linked—and key to sustainable development. Following the successful launch of the Commission, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health in collaboration with UCL and the Lancet hosted a closed round table meeting to bring together key UK and international leaders from different sectors to discuss what the UK can do to lead the global migration and health agenda in line with the following recommendations from the commission. Invited panellists included Ibrahim Abubakar (Director of Institute for Global Health, UCL), Kate Green MP (Co-Chair APPG on Migration), Ranieri Guerra (Assistant Director-General for Strategic Initiatives (Polio Eradication, Polio Transition, Antimicrobial Resistance and Migrant Health), WHO), Dominik Zener (Senior Migration Health Advisor for the Regional Office for the EEA, the EU and NATO, International Organization for Migration), Miriam Orcutt (Coordinator of the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health), Richard Horton (Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet)  and Jocalyn Clark (Executive Editor at The Lancet).